Happy Fresh Veggies Day! By June 16 most places recommend that your garden is already planted. We say that if you are a little late, buy plants that have already matured and plant those. Vegetable gardens are a great way to save on costly produce, and so easy to grow! Your family can learn where food comes from, and join in on the weekly action as your plants begin to produce. It can also help with those five to seven portions of veggies a day that we are supposed to be eating. What could be easier than stepping outside to harvest a cucumber for lunch?Here are some tips and tricks to produce the best veggies possible!
Banish pests without chemicals! Did you know by simply having lady buys and praying mantis around, your bug population will decrease? They love to eat bugs that love to eat your garden! You can even order some through the mail! If bugs aren’t your style, you could purchase a row cover. It is lightweight and will allow rain, sunlight and air to reach the plants below but helps keep insects out. It’s also loose enough so the plants will raise it as they grow.
Location, location, location! We hear this all the time in the real estate world, turns out it matters for your garden too! Most vegetable plants do best in full sun. Pick a location that gets at least six hours of sun exposure a day if possible. Not only that, try to plan your garden so that your tallest plants, such as corn, tomato plants or pole beans go on the north or west side so that they do not shade the smaller plants.
It’s all about the soil. The best soil happens to be organic! Mixing in compost, leaves, shredded bark, or any organic matter will help feed your plants with microorganisms. Sandy soil won’t retain water while compact soil resists water saturation. Having a good mix will create the best environment for your veggies.
Water wisely! For most vegetable plants, one inch of water a week is sufficient. And this includes natural rainfall! You can try irrigating with soaker hoses and drip lines, a sprinkler on a timer or the good old fashioned way of getting a hose out a few times a week.
Don’t over fertilize. Excessive fertilizing can be harmful to your plants and soil. Sure it will promote lush green growth, but at the expense of less produce and a smaller harvest. Instead concentrate on adding more organic matter. Think instead, feed the soil and the soil will feed the plants!
Celebrate Fresh Veggies Day by eating your vegetables and feeding your garden what it needs. Growing your own garden has so many benefits, don’t miss out on the fun! #ShorewestRealtors #FreshVeggieDay #Gardening
Tags: family, Fresh Veggie Day, gardening, shorewest, shorewest family, Shorewest Realtors, Soil, Vegetable, Veggies
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